404 Not Found | Business n' Beers https://businessnbeers.com Making Entrepreneurs From Beer Money Mon, 13 Apr 2020 13:06:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.15 https://businessnbeers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-New-Favicon-32x32.png 404 Not Found | Business n' Beers https://businessnbeers.com 32 32 Ranking The UK’s Beers From Best to Worst https://businessnbeers.com/ranking-the-uks-beers-from-best-to-worst/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ranking-the-uks-beers-from-best-to-worst Mon, 13 Apr 2020 13:06:37 +0000 https://businessnbeers.com/?p=387 We Love a Pint Here In The UK… But Which Is Best?

That’s the topic of today’s post.

I’ve found myself drinking a little more than usual recently due to having absolutely nothing else to do (stuck in quarantine). And seen as though the supermarket isles have been raided by panic buyers, I’ve even had to settle for drinking some lagers I’d usually glance over.

It got me thinking… what is the best lager out of the mainstream big brands we drink here in the UK?

So here you have it, my ratings of the UK’s beers, from best to worst.

14 – Budweiser (Worst)

The worst beer available in britain is Budweiser. America has a lot to answer for when it comes to food and beverage, and it’s not surprising that the country that invented “light beer” (a category of lager that’s so bad, we are not including it on this list) is responsible for the worst lager on this listing.

13 – Carling

Carling always seems like a fantastic idea at first. Nearly always cheaper than the alternatives, it’s money in the bank. This happiness is instantly demolished when you take that first sip.

12 – Carlsberg

You can alter the recipe all you need. At the end of the day, it is still Carlsberg. It somehow manages to taste rancid when freshly opened. Probably not the best beer on earth.

11 – Amstel

The flavour is so dull, I guarantee none of you are able to describe how it tastes out of memory.

10 – Fosters

All you will need to know about this dreadful Australian beer is they don’t even drink it in Australia. Greatest drank with a BBQ, because then you will have something to take the taste away.

9 – Heineken

I once did the brewery tour for Heineken in Amsterdam. Good tour, however the beer is a little too fizzy for my liking.

8 – Grolsch

Easily the most”meh” beer on this listing. It is impossible to describe the flavor of Groslch, it just… Is a lager. If someone held you at gunpoint and said”brew a lager that’s the alcoholic equivalent of a beige cardigan” you would brew a Grolsch.

It’s not that it is bad, but it isn’t good either. It’s the guy in the party whose name you can not recall, and you did not get an opportunity to talk to, but who appeared ok.

7 – Becks

Becks is somewhat good. That is really all I need to say about it. It is somewhat better than Grolsch, and it is easier to pronounce, which is an important characteristic when you are trying to purchase in a loud pub.

6 – San Miguel

A beer so refined that a mere taste of it instantly transports you to Magaluf, Tenerife, or the Costa del Sol.

Something about San Miguel seems to give you a worse hangover than ordinary beers, but it is somehow worth it. The sort of lager that is equally at home as an accompaniment to a reasonably fancy meal, as it’s to a pre-drinks session at a student flat at a former polytechnic university.

5 – Kronenbourg

For a nation whose national dish is just steak cooked in a pan for a moment or two with some veggies, France really do think they are the dog’s knackers in regards to food and drink.

Well, you need to hand it to them, they did a good job with Kronenbourg. A great beer that instantly reminds me of skiing in the Alps. Who doesn’t love a wonky kronky?

4 – Birra Moretti

A true gents beer. Great taste, pretty strong, the perfect compliment to a game of pool in your local with the lads.

Forza Moretti.

3 – Corona

I don’t know what they do to Corona, and quite honestly, I don’t have to know. However, if the sun is shining, and you stick a lime at the top of the bottle, magic occurs.

And the lime constitutes a part of your five daily , so that is an additional bonus.

2 – Stella Artois

Any lager that is served in a goblet is okay by me. Some beers only operate in certain forms. You would never drink Corona out of a can, for example. However, Stella works on draft, from the can, from the jar, or poured directly from a keg in your mouth by means of a hose.

It’s a excellent lager… But it is not the number one biggest lager, because that honour goes to…

1 – Peroni

Italy just gets it right when it comes to food and beer. It’s a beer that is so great, you are not permitted to sell it on draft in your pub unless your Peroni worker visits your bar and decides it is worthy of the crisp, dry lager. This isn’t a joke.

I don’t exaggerate when I say that I’d happily never drink another lager again, if it meant that the only lager available was Peroni. The greatest of them all.

In fact, hook me up to an IV, pump it into my veins and call me Giovanni. I love Peroni.

Do you agree with the list? If you do not, comment below and then realise that frankly, you are incorrect. Have a fantastic day.

What Next?

So there you have it, how to start saving cash in 2020.

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How To Save Money In 2020 https://businessnbeers.com/how-to-save-money-in-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-save-money-in-2020 Mon, 13 Apr 2020 11:02:24 +0000 https://businessnbeers.com/?p=368 How To Finally Save Some Money In 2020… That’s The Topic of Today’s Blog Post

Need to build up some funds but don’t know how to start? We found some of the best information on the web to provide you with some banking hacks.

Saving money isn’t the sexiest of topics, but it is a fairly essential habit to get into — if you’ve got a big life event coming up like a summer holiday or wedding, you need to begin a family or business, or you’re simply craving some financial security.

Apparently, one in 10 people who planned to spend less in January will have given up from the first week of February, investments supplier Zopa found. So how do you avoid slipping into old ways?

Clearly, it’s easier for those on higher incomes with more expendable cash to play with at the end of every month, but for those on smaller wages, there’s hope. You only need to tuck away less money and save longer.

Here’s where to start…

Budget how much you can save per month

Make a budget by taking a look at your incomings and outgoings, suggests Andrew Johnson, a cash expert at the Cash and Pensions Service. Work out how much money comes into your account monthly (through your wages or paid bills if you are self employed, and how much money goes out for essentials like rent or mortgage payments, household bills and other direct debits. The Money Advice Service site includes a budget planner tool that could help.

At exactly the exact same time, it’s also worth doing a tiny household audit and looking into if you can cut down spending in certain areas (switching energy suppliers to decrease your gas and electricity bill, and saving the gap. Got two Spotify accounts in 1 family — why not ditch among them and rescue that tenner monthly? By the end of the year, you will have saved £120. Every little helps…

Start to pay off your debts

“It may be sensible to look at clearing any loans or debts you have before beginning to save,” advises Johnson. This is because the interest on your debt payments will exceed any interest you’ll earn on your savings.

At this stage you may be asking yourself if this includes student loans. Johnson says it is more about consolidating paying off debts like credit cards, store cards and personal loans with lenders before putting away any savings.

Set a goal and set a figure on it

Whatever you’re saving for, be certain you set a goal. “Then work out how much you will need to save each month to accomplish this goal.”

You have figured out how much you wish to save and how much you can actually manage to put away each month. Now you will need to locate a savings account to place them in — and work out how many you need to open. Johnson urges people to establish an emergency savings fund to pay for unexpected expenses like house or car repairs, or unexpected time off sick.

While this may seem a good idea, it’s sometimes hard to prioritise. As soon as you’ve saved up, you can begin another account for a rainy day. To work out which are the perfect accounts for you personally, check out out the money saving experts guide here.

Schedule a standing order the day after payday

“Saving is most importantly a good habit to get into and the best way to start is to send some of your earnings to a savings account after they land on your bank,” says Helen Saxon, Money Saving Expert’s banking editor, whose motto is this: treat your savings like a bill.

If you instantly transfer your savings from your existing account, then you work to another budget for the remainder of the month or week, it will stop you from having to bring back the savings into your account at the end of the month (we’ve all been there).

Additionally, it means you are not relying on saving everything left at the end of the month, says a Santander spokesperson, which often means you wind up saving much less. The standing order procedure is also helpful for people who simply forget to put money into savings every month or who are not really on top of online banking, since the job is done for you.

“We Saved £15,000 In One Year”

Ashleigh Li and her husband from London, needed to save for a wedding and house deposit in one year.Here’s how they did it.

“Our new mortgage was £340,000 so we did all we could to save to make this more economical. Over the course of a year we saved around £15,000 on a family income of £100,000.”

The couple had a flat to sell before they could move to their new location. But what else did they change to make this happen?

“We saved as much as possible to his current account, and I got a Monzo account to monitor my spending, as I had to break down where I had been spending the most.”

Meaningful savings came from shifting spending habits — and various providers.

We moved away from eating out twice a week to not eating out in any way.”

Then there was the present flat.

“We spent it up and painted everything white. We hired a storage unit and placed as much stuff in there as you can. I am a stylist, and I understood visual merchandising for our apartment was crucial to getting as many people through the door and the ideal offer. Turns out it paid off, as we got our asking price from buyers that were perfect, therefore jumped at their own offer.”

Li and her husband got married in March 2018 and sold their apartment a couple of months later, in June. They asked for monetary contributions to their honeymoon as wedding gifts so they did not have to fork out so much for this, either.

“It felt like life was a small grind, particularly with the wedding,” says Li. “It was a bit too much some times and quite stressful. We’ve got a daughter and had to cover for her childcare, which was more than our mortgage at the moment. We had to really zone in on what we wanted and we had to save to get the new mortgage, particularly on the days where we just needed a day out with our little one.”

Their main trick: you have to become organised.

“If you are a spendthrift, establish a savings account and send money over to it every payday, so you don’t even consider that money. Also, set money objectives! You will be amazed what you can save if you set your mind to it, put little notes all over your home motivating you to save and write down the amount that you wish to save.”

What Next?

So there you have it, how to start saving cash in 2020.

If you’ve enjoyed today’s article and want to become part of our Business n’ Beers community as well as support our blog, please sign up for our email list using the form just below.

We don’t spam and you’ll get notified directly to your inbox of all the following benefits…

  • Great ‘How To’ articles just like this on how to make extra cash
  • Offers and promotions for beers, events and food
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How To: Start a Blog & Side Hustle In 2020 https://businessnbeers.com/how-to-start-a-blog-side-hustle-in-2020/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-start-a-blog-side-hustle-in-2020 Sun, 12 Apr 2020 20:12:33 +0000 https://businessnbeers.com/?p=346 How To Start a Blog & Side Hustle In 2020…

That’s the topic of today’s blog post!

Many people in the current Coronavirus Pandemic are finding they have plenty of time on their hands and are just out right bored.

In my opinion there’s never been a better time to start your own little side hustle. Either as a fun project to kill a few hours or to build a new income stream.

Blogging has long been one of the best ways to build an audience, create content and monetise.

They’ve never been easier to set up, all it takes is a little hard work and imagination.

So here you have it, my step by step guide on how to start a blog in 2020.

Step #1: Select an Ideal niche for your Site

Before you learn how to begin a successful blog, you must first locate your market, work out how to make it profitable, and figure out who your ideal readers are. In short, a niche is a topic that you write about most often, or even exclusively, in your blogs. Niche blogging is developing a website to market to a particular market. Niche blogs are easy to monetize and they usually contain affiliate links, ads, etc., and that is mostly how they become profitable.

The best way to Pick out a market for your site

To be a successful blogger, you will need to pick the right niche and operate on attaining the highest form of knowledge within this subject. So decide on one that appeals to you–the one you are most enthusiastic about and interested in. By deciding on an area of interest and having your own point of view, you’ll have the ability to distinguish your personal blog thoughts from the competition.

Step #2: Pick a blogging platform

At this phase, you are going to want to look at the best blog sites on the market and determine the kind of blog management tool that you want to use. I advise that you create your own blog utilizing a self-hosted setup that I reveal in this guide. But before you ask your self, how can I start a site, allow me to clarify each choice. When it comes to popular blogging platforms, you’ve got the following choices: a free and self-hosted (recommended).

Free platforms

Blogging statistics for best management platforms

WordPress 96.19%
Blogger 3.29%
MovableType 0.18%
Ghost 0.17%
Tumblr 0.03%
Blog Engine 0.01%

For many new bloggers, the availability of free blog platforms such as WordPress.com, Blogger or even Tumblr is enticing.

By keeping your blog on a free platform, you let the platform have your title. You’re going to be subject to their own rules and limitations. If you are seeking to learn how to make money with a blog, they may limit or prohibit ads on your site, or they might even place their own advertisements. If you are serious about blogging, then you are going to want to steer away from free blog sites.

Self-hosted platforms

Self-hosted platforms permit you to conduct a blog using your own domain name. Besides following your domain registrar and web hosting firm’s rules, you’re fully in charge of your site and its contents.

You have several choices when it comes to self-hosted systems (also called a Content Management System or CMS). The hottest is WordPress.org. This option is called self-hosted because you may use your web hosting area and title. Should you use our recommended hosting business, it’s going to cost just a few pounds per month for the webspace (hosting account), as well as a 99p name (domain name) for the first year. The average CMS is usually open-source and free.

Although I mentioned some free hosting options, the best course of action is to own your site, especially in the event that you’ll use your own copyrighted content (articles, drawings, photos, etc.). Pay a little bit of money every month, roughly the same as a Costa coffee, and you can build your own business. If your plan is to sell products, services, music, or whatever else via your blog, then that is the best way to go. Many hosting providers can allow you to host an e-commerce site.

NOTE: To make a WordPress site, you will need to decide on two major things: a domain name and a web hosting provider. If you’re a new blogger, then you need to try using 123Reg, the UK’s No. 1 Hosting provider.

I managed to negotiate a special deal Just for my visitors which contains:

→ Click Here to Get Your 99p Domain Name & Cheap Hosting ←

domain names

Step #3: Select a domain

Your domain name is going to be the title by which you will be known online, no matter what niche you choose. It’s your unique address on the Internet. Your domain name will be yours as long as you pay the yearly fee (£10 to £15 to get a. com domain). Users who know your domain/URL (uniform resource locator) can easily type it into their browser’s address bar. Others are going to be able to discover you via search engines like Google and Bing, so you definitely need to find an catchy name.

Your domain name might be the popular “dot com”, or it can be country or niche-specific. The general rule is to go for a “dot com” domain, but some of the additional extensions can work. By way of example,”dot net” or”dot me.”

If you can’t find the domain name you prefer, 123Reg will allow you to choose a Free Domain later. That will give you the time to do some research and thinking.

Handy Tip: In the long run, it is about being more memorable, so if a different extension or country code helps you to be memorable, then break the rules!

Step #4: Get web hosting accounts

After choosing a domain name, selecting reliable hosting services will be among the most important decisions you make. To a wonderful extent, the performance and operation of your site will be contingent on your hosting. The server makes sure your website is accessible 24/7 to potential subscribers and it’s where your files are stored online.

Most hosting companies also provide domain registration solutions. Some people choose to keep their domain name with the registrar business, independent from the hosting accounts. I suggest keeping it under your hosting account for hassle-free management and maintenance.

An incorrect web host can lead to a number of problems with your blog. Just imagine choosing a mobile company that does not have any reception. Your site is a major piece of the puzzle to creating a successful blog; therefore, you must decide on a reliable provider.

Based on our personal experience and over 9,000 five star reviews on Trust Pilot, 123Reg is your best bet.

domain names

Step #5: Starting a blog on WordPress

This section provides detailed information to assist your sign up for the hosting account and how to set up a WordPress blog. For example, I will show you how to produce a site with 123Reg, and show you with screenshots of the pages that you need to go through.

View Blog Setup Directions

  1. See 123Reg – Use this link to visit 123Reg. Click the”Get Domains” button.
  2. Input your site’s domain – Your domain name has a say in the success of your site, which means you should take your time to come up with something fresh. Just type in the desired domain in the box and 123Reg will show you if it is available or not. If not, it will supply you with a list of similar names for you to choose from.
  3. Select your blog’s hosting plan – You need to begin by picking your plan. If that is the very first one, you should go with the fundamental one — at least until you explore your options. The business one should be able to cover all of your requirements as soon as you begin, and you can consider the pro version when your popularity skyrockets.
  4. Select your hosting choices – Pay additional attention to your hosting choices. Obviously, the 1 month bundle has the lowest cost, but the other two are excellent when you want to make a long term investment.

Congratulations, we’re almost there! Once you’ve your domain name and web hosting connected, it is time to install WordPress.

Go to your 123Reg cPanel account, locate the ‘My Sites’ section and click Install WordPress. That’s the famous one-click set-up provided by 123Reg that makes blog creation a breeze.

If you’re struggling with this step or any of the above, check out this article form 123Reg support on setting up and configuring your new domain and hosting.

Once you’ve installed your site’s URL, you may only see a ‘Coming Soon’ page because the site hasn’t gone live yet. For this, you will have to install and design a WordPress site before launching it, but I’ll get to that later.

Step #6: Find the right Theme (blog design)

The first thing your site’s front end requires is a theme (layout and design). You need to create an environment that’s both eye-catching as well as functional. In the long run, you want your customers to easily find information on your site. You don’t want visitors to be discouraged from the colors you select or the non-intuitive and unpractical manner in which data is displayed. Your design can cause instant distrust of your blog or reputation.

Start your search for a theme as soon as your WordPress platform is installed. The look and feel of your new blog must match the topic you choose. Your readers will first notice the overall appearance, before even having a look at the content. Choose a theme that looks great, but also works for your distinctive content needs. The default theme that comes with your WordPress blog set up is Twenty Nineteen. Whether it’s a good starter theme or not, you’ll want to opt for a theme that is unique and compatible with your own niche.

A premium WordPress theme has the average cost of £40.

For many entrepreneurial newcomer bloggers, the world is not enough. The stash of free themes doesn’t satisfy their particular desire for the appearance and feel they’re going for. There are two other choices you can take a look at, both premium and custom themes. But they incur a cost, sometimes a little one, at other times a substantial amount.

Premium themes are made by both developers and dedicated showcase websites. The price range for single-use licenses ranges from £20 to £500, depending on which premium theme you pick.

Custom themes are created by an individual programmer (coder and designer, or agency) who’ll either customise an existing theme or create a brand new theme for you. While coming with obvious advantages, they are not the ideal option for a beginner blogger due to their high price.

NOTE: I would recommend using Divi, or any theme designed by ElegantThemes. That’s what theme we currently use on our blog here at Business n’ Beers. It’s completely customisable and enables drag and drop features so you can make your website look amazing, without learning to code. (It also comes with hundreds of ready to go templates, that look just like our site).

Click here to get an ElegantThemes custom WordPress theme!

Divi WordPress Theme

After selecting a theme of your choice, you’re now ready to log into the WordPress dashboard.

To go to your WordPress dashboard, type www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin.

Log in using your credentials and then head down to the appearance tab on the left hand side. Go to themes, and then “add new”. Upload the unzipped divi file and click install to use your new theme.

Customising your new theme and creating a great looking site is an article in itself, but if you need any help, check out the divi forums here.

Next up we need to launch your website. Head over to your WordPress dashboard again and hover over the Dashboard button in the top left corner. Click the button and head to the home page, next up locate the section that says your site is currently “coming soon”. Hit the launch button to take your website live.

After clicking on the “Launch” button, you will simply need to fill the two most important fields for your site. The name and description, which will inform your future visitors what is the site about.

Your new blog is ready for launch, so get ready to learn how to blog!

Step #7: Compose articles and promote your site

Thus far, you have captured a domain name, picked your blog site and prepared the subject, and now you’re ready to go. Your framework is complete. Now comes the moment of truth. You need to find out how to compose blog content — in the blogging world, any useful information that you bring to readers can be called “content.” It has to be something people may want to interact with and return for more, a thing of value.

The next step is to figure out what articles you want to make for your blog and the very best practices you should follow. Whether your site is to be composed primarily of phrases, photographs, graphics, audio, video, etc. — the content is going to be the bait that draws your audience. Few will come just to find out about your new site.

Without good articles, even the most well-designed, tightly-structured blogs will finally fail. The frame of this internet is code — but the attraction of this internet is that the material found there.

Three things that your content must do

Your articles must speak to a specific audience and provide them value in some substantial way. Drill that thought into your mind and never forget it: It’s not about you; it is about them.

Your content needs to be easily accessible and superbly presented. Your presentation has to equal the standard of your content. Once again, don’t cut corners on low quality images or layouts. Everything about your blog must attract your customers and invite them to interact with your content.

Your articles may be commercially purposed, but shouldn’t ever be commercially focused. Never greet your customers with pop-up ads and giant banner advertisements. Greet them with articles and reasons to engage with this content. Inform them you’re there to help them, to not use them. As a blog owner, you could get overwhelmed with of the available types of content and methods you can deliver to your readers. You have to remember that the material delivery procedure is less significant than the actual content and its quality.

Wondering how you can create excellent articles? It’s simple.

Here are 3 easy measures you can use to create great content of any type:

  • Topic/Problem. State your main idea and point you are covering.
  • Explain. Explain the reasoning behind your blog post or solution.
  • Demonstrate. Create ‘How To’ step by step tutorials to help your readers.

There are just two blocks you need to worry about, pre-launch and post-launch contents:

Pre-launch content

Before you begin writing your daily blog posts, you are going to want to make sure static webpages (for example About us, Contact, etc.) along with other parts of your site (Sidebar, Footer, etc.) are full of the acceptable details. Let us explore each of these content areas.

  • About Us. The most traditional webpage on any site is the About page. This page informs new visitors to your site what it is all about, who you are and why you conduct a site about the particular topic. Depending on your niche and your style, the information that you supply can be”all business” or personal and enjoyable. This page enables visitors to your site to speak with you at any time. It can be a simple page with your email address plus social network connections, or you can use a simple contact form that people can use to communicate with you without leaving your site.
  • Sidebar content. In the sidebar, you could include your blog categories, the most popular articles, ads, etc.. You will have to prepare content to your SEO titles and description tags of each webpage (not seen on the actual page, but you need to get it prepared).

Post-launch content

  • Blog articles. The blog post is an entrance (article) which you write on a website. It may include content in the form of text, photographs, infographics, or even videos.
  • Cornerstone content. Cornerstone (or evergreen) content continues to be relevant to its subscribers and gives them value years after the release date. It’s always fresh and up-to-date. It remains informative and keeps its original quality. As its title implies — it is classic.

To generate quality articles, you will have to utilize your creativity and imagination. However, you need to see that some content performs better compared to others. But again, you ought to begin creating content that you feel comfortable with, appropriate for your viewers, and to your blog.

Start boosting your blog

You’ve learned that the content is going to be the bait that draws your audience. It’s possible to write the most persuasive copy the entire world has ever seen and design a blog interface which could sell water to a well…if no one sees the website, though, all of your work is in vain. Marketing and advertising occur each single time you engage with your present and future readers. The results of your blog promotion will depend on the ability to participate in your niche.

Let’s look closely at the innovative and simple promoting/marketing activities you can complete to eventually become an authoritive and a successful blogger:

Inform everyone you know about your new project.

You should incorporate your blog name and URL in your email signature, listing it on all your social media profiles, and then use every chance to get the word out about your new project.

Submit your site to search engines

It only requires a moment, and it’ll help to get your website indexed. To submit your blog URL into Google, sign in to your Google Account and then go to the Publish URL section in Webmaster Tools. For additional traffic, submit your website to Bing.

Submit your blog to bookmarking websites

Bookmarking sites can showcase your content to a lot of possible audiences that are trying to find content in your niche. You should do this every time you publish a new blog article to spread the word out. Some popular social bookmarking websites are Scoop.it, Reddit, etc..

Be active in your niche

Get busy on relevant sites, forums, and social pages. You can engage, build friendships and assist each other in spreading the material.

Be Successful on social websites

Your company is unique, and you should use the social media avenues that best match your niche and style. Pick the one (or ones) that best fit your needs and become a specialist in leveraging them to help achieve your goals.

Comment on other blogs

Commenting on other relevant blogs is a fantastic way to establish relationships with top bloggers within your specialty. This can help you make them and their readers conscious of your existence as well as creating your personal brand inside the topic.

Guest blogging

Just be certain your work goes on reputable websites and the content is directly linked to your market. Guest blogging is a great way to build an internet presence.

Build an e-mail list

Once your website gains new fans and subscribers it’s a good idea to gather the email addresses of those who are interested in being notified of new posts and offers.

Marketing online (paid traffic/PPC)

Suitable and well-informed use of paid ads can help you get exposure and attention before your natural (naturally based ) traffic takes hold. Paid traffic paths include Google AdWords, and Facebook, to name a few significant ones.

Remember that you can always find other ways to advertise your brand new blog. Rely on the blogging fundamentals: a clear and well-functioning site, focused and helpful info, engaging conversation and practical advice. Your power will come in assisting and providing advice to other individuals, your readers or fans.

Step #8: How to Earn Money blogging

Monetisation is the process of translating your blog activity into earnings. You must remember that blogging is not all about making money but rather creating useful content which will attract readers and cause them to come back for more.

After generating great content for quite a while and by engaging with your market, you will become a recognized expert who will be able to construct an important collection of followers and subscribers. Just then you could consider adding content which will generate earnings.

Blog monetisation methods

How to monetize a blog? There are several options you can choose from. You should use the ones that prove most useful to you:

Running ads on your site

There are seamless possibilities when you run ads on your blog. Regardless of your niche, you can elect for ads that are particular to what it is you’re writing about or ads that just better serve your advertiser’s intentions. Google Adsense is among the most well-known choices for advertisements.

Enrolling in affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are ways of teaming up with retailers to advertise their products and benefit from successfully executing earnings via a commission.

Composing and selling an Ebook

Another fantastic chance to make money is to collect existing content from your blog and offer it as a downloadable ebook. Your ebook can be sold independently if your site has a commercial platform (for instance, Bigcommerce), or it might be sold elsewhere.

Partnerships and brand deals

Advertisers are constantly looking for new opportunities and are eager to pay you for placing a sponsored post on your site. Those posts generally promote advertiser products or services and therefore are a fantastic way to earn some additional income to your own blog. Later on, if you’re in a position to build one of the most well-known blogs and eventually become an authority in your niche, the advertisers would approach you to promote their products.

What Next?

So there you have it, how to start a blog and side hustle in 2020.

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How To: Make Beer Money Whilst Working From Home https://businessnbeers.com/how-to-make-beer-money-whilst-working-from-home/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-make-beer-money-whilst-working-from-home Sat, 04 Apr 2020 13:08:20 +0000 https://businessnbeers.com/?p=279 How To Make Beer Money From The Comfort Of Your Own Home?

That’s the topic of today’s blog post.

Like many in the current Coronavirus pandemic, I’m working from home and missing the pub.

With not much else to do than rewatch Premier League years with a lonely can of Stella, I decided to put my time and knowledge to better use with this blog post.

As one of the people in this current situation who cannot rely on full pay, or even sick pay for that matter (self-employed), I figured that I’m going to be in need of an extra few quid to keep the fridge topped up. So I decided to revisit a few techniques I’ve used over the years to make a little extra beer money every month!

Matched Betting

Now… before I lose all of the anti-gambling people, this is not gambling!

Matched betting is 100% risk-free and does not involve any sort of gambling with your hard-earned cash.

I first found out about matched betting when I was working one of my first jobs in Finance when I was about 18. A guy from the office had been doing it for years and had actually used it to part-fund a deposit on a house, so it’s pretty serious stuff!

Now, as much as you can make the big bucks using this technique, you have to put in quite a lot of time and research to make large amounts. However, if you’re looking to make a couple of hundred quid fairly fast, it’s perfect.

It involves taking advantage of the promotions betting companies give out, like free bets and casino bonuses.

If you’ve been living on planet earth for the last few years, no doubt you’ll have seen multiple adverts on TV for “Place a £20 bet on the Cheltenham Racing Festival and get £20 Free Bets” or something similar.

So with the above offer as an example, there are two elements to every offer. A Qualifying bet (The £20 bet on Cheltenham) and the Free bet (The £20 Free Bet Reward).

Matched betting works by placing your £20 qualifying bet (£20 on Cheltenham), and then placing a matched bet on the opposite outcome of your qualifying bet with a betting exchange. This essentially means that you can’t lose but will still gain your £20 free bet reward form the bookmaker.

Now you have your free bet, you simply repeat the process. Only this time, now you’re betting with free money, you rake in around 95% of the free bet as risk-free profit! Pretty clever right?

And before we go any further, let me clear up a few common misconceptions.

Matched betting is 100% legal. Bookmakers have actually made it clear that they do not mind it as a use of free bets.

So, I’ve explained how matched betting works… how do you actually get the ball rolling and make some cash?

My friend who used matched betting to part-fund his house deposit actually recommended a website to me that gives you step by step training videos as well as a list of the latest offers you can cash in with straight away.

They actually have a free trial available where you’re guaranteed to make £40! Pretty good considering the cost of joining on a full membership is only £17.99 per month.

You can grab your free trial and £40 right here!

The free trial will teach you the basics and give you a couple of offers to bank a guaranteed £40. If you think matched betting works for you, after 14 days you can join up full time for £17.99 per month and get the following benefits.

  • Earn consistent profits
  • 100+ bookmaker bonuses
  • Easy to understand video tutorials
  • New offers uploaded every day
  • Full forum access
  • Enhanced customer support
  • Full access to all the software
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • No contracts. Cancel anytime

Matched betting is well worth a go, even on the free trial to buy a few crates of Stella for the upcoming weekend in the house!

Start your free trial right here!

Website Testing

I’ve used website testing for a couple of years now to earn anywhere between £50 to £200 per month with relative ease.

It involves signing up for multiple testing websites and completing feedback reviews of websites, apps and videos.

And before you’re put off this method, you don’t have to be a computer geek or have any technical knowledge on websites. The companies paying for these tests want the opinions of real users who are likely to use their websites and apps!

You typically get paid between £8 to £10 per test that lasts around 15 minutes. The tests are completed online on your computer or mobile device and you get paid usually around 10 days after the test has been completed.

Here’s a screenshot below of some of my earnings in the last few weeks from just one of the websites I complete reviews for.

And remember, the above is only from one website. There are hundreds of these websites available to complete reviews for.

So, how much can you make completing website reviews?

As I mentioned before, you get paid £8 to £10 per test, which would work out at £40 per hour. However, don’t get your hopes up as tests don’t come that quickly and you certainly won’t be able to replace your job doing this kind of stuff.

I would say I average out at making around £1,200 per year through website testing. Note, average out. Some months are higher, some months are lower.

The key to making regular money from this method is being signed up to as many sites as possible. That way you’ll get a constant stream of tests coming through to complete and supplement your income.

Here’s a list of all the sites I’ve worked for that you can sign up to and start completing reviews for today!

I would recommend signing up for UserTesting first as they have an evaluation test for you to complete that you get paid £10 for. After that, sign up for the rest and make sure to monitor your inbox daily for notifications on new tests!

Paid Offers

Another method I used to use was completing paid offers on websites such as Swagbucks and 20Cogs.

You usually get paid to complete an offer that you typically have to spend 50% of the paid amount to complete.

Let me explain…

An offer on Swagbucks may work something like this: Get paid £10 to deposit £5 onto 888Bingo and play through your bonus funds. You get paid the £10, lose the £5 (or even win some playing bingo!) and make about £5 on the offer.

It’s not much but there’s a huge amount of these offers available. Therefore, if you can stockpile 10 or 20 offers to do in a couple of hours, you can easily make £100 to £200 using this technique.

A website I used in the past to complete offers in bulk was 20Cogs.

On 20Cogs, you get 20 offers to complete, all paying between £1 to £30 each. Once you’ve completed all 20 offers, you get paid out directly to your bank account.

As I mentioned before, you will need around £50 to £100 to complete all of the offers in the 20Cogs as you only get paid out once you finish all 20 offers.

I completed 20Cogs and it took me around 2 hours to complete all of the offers.

You can expect to complete the following sorts of offers:

  • Free trials on various streaming services
  • Bingo and slots offers
  • Free trials on food services
  • Surveys

20Cogs have paid out over £1.9 Million to their users at today’s date and I personally made £198 as seen below on my screenshot!

I even managed to make a little extra from the bingo offers as I actually won a few games! However, I wouldn’t include this in your expected earnings as it was just pure luck…

Before you go and sign up for 20Cogs, let me give you a few helpful tips.

Make notes or a spreadsheet of every offer you complete! A lot of the offers involve signing up for certain trials and staying a free member for a certain amount of days. Make sure to take note of when you started the trial period and when you should cancel.

Maybe even add a reminder onto your phone calendar to ensure you don’t end up becoming a full member and having to pay!

My second tip would be to sit down and complete ALL of the offers at once. The offers take 30 days after being completed to be verified and paid out. Therefore, if you do 5 offers today, another 5 on Wednesday and the rest on Saturday, you’d have to wait an extra week for all of the offers to validate and cash out.

So now you know the tips and tricks, head over to 20Cogs using this link and get £5 free to start with!

You can also get 500 free Swagbucks using this link!

What Next?

So there you have it, my best 3 simple methods to make some extra beer money from the comfort of your own home. I would suggest starting off with Website testing, clock up around £100 in bankroll and then use matched betting and offers to keep doubling up!

If you’ve enjoyed today’s article and want to become part of our Business n’ Beers community as well as support our blog, please sign up for our email list using the form just below.

We don’t spam and you’ll get notified directly to your inbox of all the following benefits…

  • Great ‘How To’ articles just like this on how to make extra cash
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  • Fun articles and jokes

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Business n’ Beers was founded with the ambition of bringing together like-minded individuals from all around the world.

We post regular articles on business topics, beer topics and everything in between.

The goal of BnB is to provide a fun spin on sometimes boring financial and business information. That way, we can engage more people and help them improve their business and lifestyle.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an experienced business person, solopreneur, student or work full time. Learn how to build a business with beer money… or how to make beer money from business.

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